- L. Grebnev - Marking Time? (On the Book by O. Shkaratan "Russian Order: The Vector of Changes")
- Chepurenko A. Yu. Small Enterpreneurship in the Social Context
- Innovation Management in Russia: Problems of Strategy and Science and Technology Security
Oil, Rates and Inflation
Currency inflow in Russia from raw materials exports allows taking into account high business activity to assimilate growing money supply transforming it into economic growth. Fall in business activity as a result of pressure on business led to saturation of demand for money. This considerably increases the danger of inflation growth and requires sterilization of excess money supply including the usage of the Stabilization Fund. According to the author's estimates, corresponding losses in GDP growth will equal 1-2 percentage points per year.

Mainstream: Potential and Scientific Criticism
The article deals with the basic gnoseological and methodological aspects of critical analysis of neoclassical theory as well as the consequences of such analysis from the point of view of the development of neoclassical paradigm and the construction of alternative theoretical models. Special attention is paid to the basic concept of neoclassics - perfect competition. It's role as a methodological foundation of most neoclassical hypotheses and a theoretical model reflecting several phenomena of modern economy is considered. In the post-industrial economy based on electronic communications a number of functions and features of perfect competition are revived.

Political Economy of Post-Soviet Marxism
(Theses to Forming of Scientific School)
The limited ability of neoclassical "mainstream" to explain deep fundamental shifts in economic structures of the present day world determines the renaissance of alternative schools of economic theory, including Marxism. The article is aimed to show theoretical concepts of modern Russian neomarxism, which has a potential to explain the contradictions of the capitalist globalization, the tendencies of forming new types of socioeconomic relations, of the specific forms of transition economies in the post-socialist countries and basic causes of the birth and collapse of the socialist system.

The Essence of Stability of a Monetary Unit in the Light
of the Theory of Conventions
Theoretical approach to the definition of the stability of a monetary unit from the point of view of institutional theory is offered. In terms of the theory of conventions the stability of a monetary unit is the result of joint actions of individuals in the framework of various conventions. The role of informal norms of monetary behavior of individuals forming the level of public trust is analyzed. Civil, market and public opinion conventions are among the factors promoting the stability of state and private monetary units.

Economic State and Institutional Environment of Russian
Industrial Enterprises: The Empirical Analysis
of Interrelations
The paper presents the analysis of the data received from the survey of heads of industrial enterprises and also experts-researchers in 2003-2004. The data describe the economic state of enterprises and their position in competitive, administrative, intermediary, financial etc. environment. The assumption of essential heterogeneity of the set of industrial enterprises, including enterprises of the same sector or the same territorial formation is confirmed. It is shown that Russian industrial enterprises as a rule do not feel influence of the stock market situation while the condition of the currency market influences the majority of enterprises. The sensitivity of enterprises depends on their economic situation: the better is the state, the stronger is the influence. Weak influence of the investment and administrative environment on the state of enterprises and negative influence of the activity of intermediary organizations are registered. More than 2 3 of the respondents consider important strengthening of the responsibility of large proprietors for inefficient activity of their enterprises. Lack of the strategic approach in the activity of authorities of all levels is ascertained and the necessity of development and realization of industrial policy at all administrative levels, including the municipal one, is shown.

Present State of Moscow Industry and Ways
of Its Development
The article assesses the present state of Moscow industry. Key economic indicators that determine its potential as well as the problems, which reduce the opportunities of its development, are considered. The author specifies the main priorities and instruments of industrial activity regulation on the part of Moscow Government aimed at improving competitive capacity and building-up a new image of the city's industry. The necessity to activate and consolidate the efforts at all levels of the government authority in order to support industrial activity is also noted.

Statistical Study of Demand Conditions in Russian
Industrial Branches
A problem of a nonoptimal structure of the solvent demand in different Russian industrial branches is reviewed in the article. The influence of internal elements of the solvent demand on the development of industries, which produce for the domestic market, is studied. The main attention is paid to interconnections between the solvent demand and the financial situation of enterprises, banks' involvement in investment processes, and growth of investment into fixed capital. The analysis is based on estimates obtained by using methods of mathematical statistics.

On the Necessity of Microelectronics Production Priority
Development in Russia
The analysis of microelectronics significance in national economies and its role in the production of modern consumer goods and machinery, information maintenance of economies' functioning is presented in the article. The necessity and possible ways of Russian electronics industry recovering are considered. It is shown that changing the raw materials orientation of the Russian economy is possible only by way of microelectronics industry priority development that will constitute a technological base and the source of funds for modern consumer goods mass production.

The Role of Cadastre of Realty Objects in Modern State
In modern states with developed market economies the cadastre of realty objects is a significant prerequisite of capital creation and float. It promotes economic growth and social stability. As the author points out, Russia is now in the beginning of the process of constructing the unified cadastre of realty objects, but it has an opportunity to employ the most advanced information technologies. The development of Russia's cadastre is aimed at the integration with the rights register and regulated interaction with tax authorities.

Free Economic Society and Socioeconomic
Reforms in Russia
Basing on brood historic material the article considers major milestones in the FES activity in the context of Russia's social life. One of its first actions was the propaganda of planting potatoes in the country. Gradually the Society widened the sphere of its activity and methods of research, in particular, it became involved in publishing business, organizing exhibitions and expeditions. Among important directions of the FES work the authors point out the support of progressive undertakings in the economy. Modern activity of the Society after its revival when it has concentrated its efforts on promoting radical economic transformations is also analyzed.
