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     The editorial office accepts articles not exceeding 24 pages (format settings: Times New Roman, 14pt, 1,5 line spacing), i.e. 40,000 characters (including spaces). We only accept articles submitted as DOC files via email: mail@vopreco.ru.

     We do not accept:

  • previously published works or simultaneous submissions
  • submissions not meeting the below content and layout requirements

Article content and layout requirements

     An eligible article should have the following structure:

  1. Article details in the Russian language
  2. Article text
  3. References
  4. Article details in the English language

     1. Article details in the Russian language

     The following information should precede the article text:

  • initial letter of the given name and surname of the author (names of multiple authors should be separated by commas)
  • article title
  • abstract (500 to 700 characters; the abstract should outline the contents of the article: goals, objective and methods of research, and a short conclusion)
  • keywords (key phrases should not be long)
  • JEL codes

     The author’s following details should be provided in a footnote:

  • full name
  • academic degree and title
  • official place of work and position (full official name of the organization)
  • city (if not clear from the organization name)
  • contact email address (to be published in the journal). In case of multiple authors, the corresponding author’s email address should be provided.


И. Гурова, М. Ефремова1

Региональная торговля на пространстве СНГ: предпосылки для производственной кооперации

     В статье анализируется внутрирегиональная торговля на пространстве СНГ и в рамках Таможенного союза Белоруссии, Казахстана и России. Методологией служит Классификация по широким экономическим категориям (ШЭК), разработанная ООН (1971 г.), и метод Б. Баласса по выявлению конкурентных преимуществ. Авторы приходят к выводу, что у стран СНГ есть экономическая заинтересованность в углублении интеграции на постсоветском пространстве. Региональный рынок СНГ начинает играть все большую роль для производителей полуфабрикатов и готовой продукции из бывших советских республик, хотя динамика развития совокупного экспорта демонстрирует все большую ориентацию на внешние рынки (за счет сырьевых товаров).
     Ключевые слова: СНГ, Таможенный союз, Белоруссия, Казахстан, Россия, международная торговля, интеграция.
     JEL: F14, F15.

     Authors’ details:

      1 Гурова Ирина Павловна (email@domen.ru), д. э. н., проф., завкафедрой мировой экономики и истории экономических учений Ульяновского государственного университета (Ульяновск); Ефремова Мария Викторовна, аспирант Ульяновского государственного университета.

      1 Аузан Александр Александрович (email@domen.ru), д. э. н., проф., завкафедрой прикладной институциональной экономики экономического факультета МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова (Москва); Сатаров Георгий Александрович, к. т. н., президент Фонда «ИНДЕМ» (Москва).


     2. Article text

     Text. The first lines of paragraphs should be indented using Microsoft Word indentation, with no spaces or tabs. Text fragments should be accentuated with bold or italic font, but not highlighted, as color highlights will be lost when the layout is built before publishing. Text frames are not allowed, as the text inside them may be misplaced in the article text after they are deleted. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of respective pages (not after the article) and added using standard MS Word tools (Insert – Reference – Footnote).

     Tables should be formatted as MS Word tables. Please try to ensure that there is a corresponding cell for each table item (do not create new paragraphs to break lines). The text and numbers within cells should be aligned using standard tools rather than spaces or empty lines. Do not highlight text in the table with color unless an accent is needed.

     Figures. If the article includes figures, the source files should be provided after accepting article for publication. We strongly recommend Microsoft Excel for generating graphs and charts (the file must contain the source numbers relevant to the image). Graphs generated using specialized software should be saved or exported as vector images (PDF, EPS, AI, CDR). TIF, JPEG, GIF and BMP images are not acceptable. Graphs created using MS Word should be avoided where possible, as they take substantial extra effort to prepare a layout. In exceptional cases, such images and diagrams should be grouped as single objects. Otherwise, a slightest alteration of the page margins – inevitable in document processing – may lead to individual elements being shifted. Please do not:
• Supply files that are optimized for screen use (like GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG);
• Supply bitmapped line drawings or color (grayscale) photographs (e.g., TIFF or JPEG);
• Submit graphics that are disproportionately large for the content.


     3. References

     Citation in text

  • Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa)
  • cite the author’s name, publication date, and pages (where needed) in parentheses: Как отмечал К. Фриман (Freeman, 1987. P. 120)...
  • if the author’s name of a source paper written in or translated into Russian is mentioned in the text, only the publication year should be specified in the parentheses: Как отмечал Де Сото (2008. С. 132)...
  • for two authors: both authors’ names should be specified (separated by comma); for three or more authors: first author’s name followed by “et al.”. If several sources are cited at once, they should be separated by semicolon: (Obstfeld, Rogoff, 1995. P. 631; Борисова и др., 2012; Radcliffe et al., 1984)
  • for several papers by the same author, the publication dates should be listed, separated with semicolons: (OECD, 1996; 2005)

     Reference list (after the article text)

  • the list should include only publications mentioned in the article. References should be arranged in alphabetical order. Russian publications placed first
  • all titles of Russian publications should be accompanied with their translations into English in brackets, with the words “In Russian”, enclosed in parentheses, at the end:
         Корнаи Я. (2013). Нарушая обещания: венгерский опыт // Вопросы экономики. № 8. С. 123—142. [Kornai J. (2013). Breaking promises: Hungarian experience. Voprosy Ekonomiki, No. 8, pp. 123—142. (In Russian).]
  • for publications translated from English, it is preferable to specify the English title, keeping the publication year and details of the periodical (journal) which published the translation:
         Де Сото Х. У. (2008). Социализм, экономический расчет и предпринимательская функция. Челябинск: Социум. [De Soto H. W. (2008). Socialism, economic calculation and entrepreneurship. Chelyabinsk: Sotsium. (In Russian).]
  • each cited source should be supplied with the author’s name. For papers issued by groups of authors, the editor (first editor) should be specified. For collected papers without reference to the authors’ names, the organization should be cited as the author:
         Полтерович В. (ред.) (2010). Стратегия модернизации российской экономики. СПб.: Алетейя. [Polterovich V. (ed.) (2010). Strategy of modernization of the Russian economy. St. Petersburg: Aletheia. (In Russian).]
         WEF (2014). Global Competitiveness Report 2014—2015. Geneva: World Economic Forum.
  • more than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the Latin letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc.
  • English translation of Russian sources should includ:
    — surnames of foreign authors in their original spelling (Ницше — Nietzsche)
    the following should be transliterated:
    — surnames and initials of Russian authors
    — journal title (even if an English title exists)
    — name of the publisher
    ! use the translit.net website for quick and correct transliteration (choose BGN transliteration system)
    the rest should be translated into English, including:
    — organization name
    — city (full name)
  • uppercase and lowercase letters in source paper titles in foreign languages and in English translations:
    —all words in the titles should begin with lowercase letters (except for proper names and the first word after a colon, including prepositions and articles)
    —all words (except for prepositions and articles) in the titles of journals, publishers and organizations should begin with uppercase letters
     Not included in the reference list: statutory regulations (bylaws), statistical compendiums, archived materials, newspaper items without citing the author(s), references to websites without quoting the particular material. References to those sources should be placed in footnotes.
     ! Unreliable websites, tabloid websites, forums and social networks are not accepted as sources (e.g. refereat.ru).


Глазьев С. Ю. (1993). Теория долгосрочного технико-экономического развития. М.: ВлаДар. [Glazyev S. Yu. (1993). The theory of long-term technical and economic development. Moscow: VlaDar. (In Russian).]

Lucas R. (1981). Studies in business-cycle theory. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Chapters in Books

Илларионов С. В. (1984). Проблема реальности в современной физике // Теория познания и современная физика / Отв. ред. Ю. В. Сачков. М.: Наука. С. 197—209. [Illarionov S. V. (1984). The problem of reality in modern physics. In: Yu. V. Sachkov (ed.). Epistemology and modern physics. Moscow: Nauka, pp. 197—209. (In Russian).]

Ницше Ф. (1990). К генеалогии морали // Ф. Ницше. Сочинения: в 2-х т. М.: Мысль. Т. 2. С. 407—524. [Nietzsche F. (1990). On the genealogy of morals. In: F. Nietzsche. Selected works. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. Moscow: Mysl, pp. 407—524. (In Russian).]

Varian H. R. (1997). How to build an economic model in your spare time. In: M. Szenberg (ed.). Passion and craft: Economists at work. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 256—271.

Edited Books

Петров Н., Титков А. (ред.) (2010). Власть, бизнес, общество в регионах: неправильный треугольник. М: РОССПЭН. [Petrov N., Titkov A. (eds.) (2010). Governance, business, society in regions: Irregular triangle. Moscow: ROSSPEN. (In Russian).]

Kuczynski P. P., Williamson J. (eds.) (2003). After the Washington Consensus. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics.

Journal Articles, Newspapers and other periodicals (Working Paper Series)

Корнаи Я. (2013). Нарушая обещания: венгерский опыт // Вопросы экономики. № 8. С. 123—142. [Kornai J. (2013). Breaking promises: Hungarian experience. Voprosy Ekonomiki, No. 8, pp. 123—142. (In Russian).]

Klein D. B., Romero P. P. (2007). Model building versus theorizing: The paucity of theory. Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 241—271.

Politi J. (2014). Berlin has no right to lecture, says Renzi. Financial Times. October 3.

Ball L., Leigh D., Loungani P. (2013). Okun’s law: Fit at fifty. NBER Working Papers, No. 18668.

Ashenfelter O. (2011). Economic history or history of economics? A review essay on Sylvia Nasar’s grand pursuit: The story of economic genius. IZA Discussion Papers, No. 6213.

IMF (2014). Russian Federation. Selected Issues. IMF country report, No. 14/176.


Ким И. А. (2011). Структура промежуточных затрат в российской экономике: возможно ли сравнение с другими странами? (Препринт № WP2/2011/02). М.: НИУ ВШЭ. [Kim I. A. (2011). Structure of intermediate inputs in the Russian economy: Is the comparison with other countries possible? (Preprint No. WP2/2011/02). Moscow: Higher School of Economics. (In Russian).]

Unpublished Sources

Jardin M., Gaetan S. (2011). How Okun’s law is non-linear in Europe: A semi-parametric approach. Unpublished manuscript. Rennes: University of Rennes.

Kates S. (2014). The history of economic thought and its enemies. Unpublished manuscript. URL http://www.vu.edu.au/sites/default/files/cses/pdfs/kates-paper.pdf.

Internet Resources (On-line serials, News Bulletins, etc.)

Frankel J. (2012). The death of inflation targeting. VOX: CEPR’s Policy Portal, June 19. URL http://www.voxeu.org/article/inflation-targeting-dead-long-live-nominal-gdp-targeting.

Sachs J. (2014). Time to end the cold war once and for all. CNBC, December 22. URL http://www.cnbc.com/id/102289227.


     4. Article details in the English language

      (placed on the last page of article)

  • article title
  • author’s (authors’) transliterated names(s) and surname(s)
  • each author’s place of work (full official name of the organization in English)
  • city, country
  • abstract
  • keywords
  • JEL codes
  • corresponding author and email.


Trade in the CIS Region: Conditions for Further Production Cooperation

Irina Gurova*, Maria Efremova

     Authors affiliation: Ulyanovsk State University. * Corresponding author, email: email@domen.ru

     The article deals with the trade in the CIS region and in the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. The methodology of the analysis is based on the UN Classification by Broad Economic Categories (1971) and B. Balassa model for detecting competitive advantages. The authors conclude that the CIS countries are interested in further integration in the post-Soviet area. The regional CIS market plays a greater role for semi-manufactured and final goods producers from the former Soviet republics. But the dynamics of the whole export shows that the CIS economies get more and more oriented on external markets in the sphere of primary goods.
     Keywords: CIS, Customs Union, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, international trade, integration.
     JEL: F14, F15.

The Priorities of the Institutional Reforms in Economic Modernization

Alexandеr Auzan 1,*, Georgy Satarov 2

     Authors affiliation: 1 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia); 2 INDEM Foundation (Moscow, Russia). * Corresponding author, email: email@domen.ru.

State-Owned Company: Detection Zone of Government Failure or Market Failure?

Alexander Radygin 1,2,*, Yuri Simachev 2,3, Revold Entov 4

     Authors affiliation: 1 Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy (Moscow, Russia); 2 Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia); 3 Inter-Departmental Analytical Center (Moscow, Russia); 4 Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia). * Corresponding author, email: email@domen.ru.


Article review procedure

Articles are selected for publication in the Journal according to the below procedure.
  1. An incoming manuscript is registered and subjected to primary evaluation against the following formal and qualitative criteria: consistency with the general subjects of the Journal; compliance with content and layout requirements; novelty; clear, logical and literate writing in the Russian language, etc. Articles failing to meet these requirements will not be accepted for review, and the editors will notify the author accordingly, usually within 15 days of receiving the manuscript by the Editorial Office.
  2. An article accepted for review will be assigned to a specialist from the journal, who will communicate with the author regarding all further matters and forward the manuscript to be reviewed by experts recognized in the subject field of the article under review and having published on the topic of the article within the last three years. In disputable cases, an article may be sent to more than two experts, including external experts as well as Editorial Board members.
  3. All reviews are double blind, i.e. the authors’ and reviewers’ names and not disclosed between them. Based on past experience, reviews usually take six weeks on average to complete.
  4. A review should:
    • evaluate the essence of the paper and its chances of being published;
    • list specific errors (if any) in methodology and in the selection of research tools;
    • suggest revisions.
  5. A reviewed article may be accepted for publication (5.1), returned to the author for revision (5.2), or rejected (5.3). The copies of the reviews are sent to the authors.
      5.1. In case of a positive review, the editors will include the article in the portfolio for the final editorial preparation for publication (see point 6).
      5.2. Revised articles should be re-submitted to the reviewers, who will evaluate whether the revisions are consistent with their comments and/or whether the author’s refusal to revise on certain comments is reasonable.
      5.3. In case of a negative review, the article will be considered by the Editorial Board’s working group, who will either decide on rejecting the article or on obtaining an additional review from an independent expert. The author will be notified if his/her article is rejected.
      5.4. Reviews are being kept in the editorial office for 5 years. Editors are obliged to send the copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in case a relevant query comes in.
  6. Pre-publishing involves checking the author’s treatment of the reviewers’ comments and literary editing and revision of the text to meet the Journal’s standards. Edits will be negotiated with the author.
  7. The chief editor ore deputy chief editor will make and approve the final decision on the article publication date according to the usual work procedure, when compiling and structuring issues for publication.


Frequently asked questions

  1. The turn-around time for primary article evaluation is 15 days. Upon expiry of that period, the author should inquire about the status of his/her article by calling the Editorial Office at +7 499 956-01-43 or by writing to e-mail: mail@vopreco.ru.
  2. Every author has the opportunity to be published, regardless of residence, nationality, or academic degree
  3. The Journal’s presence on the Higher Attestation Commission list does not oblige the journal to publish articles of applicants to academic degree in an urgent procedure.
  4. We do not charge for publications. The key requirements to articles are quality and consistency with the subjects of the Journal. Russian authors will receive royalties for their published papers.


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