- Why the Cooperation in Present-day Russia Is Not Developing (Proceedings of the "Round Table")
Growth Rates within the National Economic Space
Authors proceed from the paradigm of spatial economics, according to which the national growth rates and distribution of regional growth rates in dynamic series for 1996-2001 are analyzed in common. The diffusion process of economic growth in Russia is examined. The term "flow of economic growth" is coined and its quantitative and geometrical parameters are considered. Special attention is given to conditions of retention of the flow in the area of positive regional growth rates. By authors' estimation, the critical level of GDP growth rates for Russia's economic space is equal to 4%.

The Size of Government and Economic Growth
Real GDP growth rate is a non-linear function of the size of government. On average, in countries with population of less than 1 mln people an increase in the size of government is associated with an increase in real growth rates, while in countries with population more than 1 mln people it leads to a decline in real growth rates. For Russia, as a rule, the critical level of government expenditures that effectively blocks sustainable economic growth is 36-38% of GDP, and the optimal level of government expenditures that maximizes economic growth is 18 to 21% of GDP.

Economic Approach to the Problem of Organization
of Knowledge on the Nature of Man
The article is devoted to the search of the way to provide the comparability of various approaches to the nature of man. The inquiry is based on analysis of components of the contemporary version of the economic man's model and the philosophic approach to the problem of man. As a tool for comparative analysis the economic approach has been chosen. Variants of man identification are explained in terms of bounded intellectual abilities within the context of choice between model operationality and assumptions realisticity.

Transaction Costs in Franchising and Licensing Contracts
The problems of influence of transaction costs on the structure of franchising and licensing contracts are studied. It is demonstrated that different institutions of contract governance influence both the contract form and the development of firms participating in franchising and licensing interactions. New franchising networks are successfully maintained following the dominant institutional logic of their formative stage. Furthermore, special contract clauses including property rights distribution help franchisors and franchisees overcome the problem of suboptimal action in principal-agent relations and prevent opportunistic attempts to attain quasi-rents. Finally, different levels of transaction costs of property rights' specification and enforcement are responsible for the difference of institutional structures governing licensing contracts.

A Financial Model of Economic Changes in Case
of Retarded Institutes
The bank and stock market role in business cycle under different institutional conditions is discussed. A functional dependence between institutional conditions level and financial system's influence on economic activity is determined. The author detects that "spontaneous" ways for its stabilization appear when the economic significance of financial institutes is going down. One of these ways is informal merging between business and government institutes. Looking at the experience of emerging markets, the author concludes that in the long-term prospect the present model of economic development will block the development of market institutes and decrease the national economy effectiveness.

The Rise and Fall of Monetarism
In the 1970s monetarism was accepted as a principle of policy of central banks. However monetary growth targets currently play no official role in the monetary policy of industrial countries. The majority of monetary authorities excluded money from their analysis. Inflation, GDP and unemployment are not determined by money supply in their models. This article provides a historical perspective on the development and apparent failure of monetarism as a policy guide.

Baltic States: the Common and the Specific
(Socioeconomic Aspect)
A social phenomenon of the Baltic states is discussed on the base of sociological investigations provided by the author. A comparative analysis of common and specific features of the three countries is given. A correlation between sociocultural factors and economic development in each of them is being analysed.

Imprisoned in the Tower of …? (On the Institutional
Organization of Science)
The author postulates that scientific research is done in an institutional framework consisting of formal and informal norms. The attention is usually concentrated on formal norms and their low efficiency in stimulating innovative R&D activities. The author argues that scientific milieu lies very close to the ideal type of "small" society, functioning on the basis of local networks which are closed to the outside world. Some policies necessary to "open" and democratize the academic and university milieu are proposed.

Public Choice Theory. A Textbook.
Chapter 2. Basic Concepts
The basic concepts of public choice theory are considered in the second chapter of the textbook. Among them are: public needs, public goods, state resources, opportunity cost of public goods production. Contractual bases for the theory of economic and political decision-making on the constitutional and post-constitutional stages are analyzed. The author proposes the original model of political and economic (business) circular flow and shows the role of participants of the political process (voters, politicians and bureaucrats) on the political and public goods markets. Modern forms of political systems are studied. The chapter also includes further readings, control tests and questions.
