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  • T. Frolov — «The Man in the System of Production» in the Works by F. Fukuyama and A. Makarenko
  • T. Skuf'ina — Prospects of Russia's North Development


  • Shastitko A. E. New Institutional Economics. 4th ed.
  • Russian School of Social and Economic Thought: Sources, Principles, Prospects / Yu. V. Yakutin (ed.).


V. VOLKOV. The Problem of Credible Commitment in the Sphere of Ownership and the Russian Way of Vertical Political Integration

The article is devoted to the relationship of state and business in today’s Russia. The author briefly summarizes the history of those relations and shows that due to mutual distrust and lack of incentives with regard to formalization of their interactions as well as to the state’s inability to provide credible commitments in the sphere of ownership both the state and Russian oligarchs preferred creating a vertically integrated state capitalism in Russia. Such a form of economic organization in this case involves concentration of power in the hands of top officials and bureaucrats and “manual management” of the national economy based on personal ties.

D. SOROKIN. On the Strategy of Russia’s Development

The article considers the mechanism and moving forces of realization of the strategy aimed at the transition to a new (innovation) type of economic growth. According to the author, the main condition of such transition is overcoming socialization of economic life that has been historically formed in Russia. The developed institutions of the civil society that reflects the strategic economic interest of national entrepreneurship are the moving force of this overcoming.

O. GOLICHENKO. Modernization and Transformation of Innovation Strategy of Russia: Problems and Solutions

Problems and tasks of Russian innovation strategy are considered from the point of view of the country’s passing certain stages of technological development. It is noted that during the period of rapid economic growth Russia did not manage to proceed from the resource stage to the investment one. Basing on Japan experience the paper demonstrates that the pure imitation way of technological development conceals the danger of falling into an "imitation trap". To avoid this it is necessary to create beforehand institutions and institutional tools of realization of the next stage based on national innovations. The effective innovation state policy should be aimed not only at solving the tasks of the investment stage but at building up certain preconditions for transition to the next stage of technological development.

G. YUDIN. The «Economic» and the «Social»: Autonomy of Spheres and Disciplinary Boundaries

Research agenda of the New Economic Sociology since its emergence in the 1970—1980s can be described as a «negative program», focused mainly on critique of economics. Nowadays many economic sociologists as well as sympathizing economists observe theoretical crisis of the negative program. Drawing on the works by M. Weber and K. Polanyi it is shown that fundamental drawbacks of the particular economic-sociological model of explanation arise from the widespread belief of economic sociologists that economic action is a form of social action. The author argues that the problematic relation between «economic» and «social» shouldn’t serve for drawing aprioristic disciplinary boundaries between economics and economic sociology. Instead the suggestion is put forward to make this relation the subject of economic-sociological study and indicate some fresh and important theoretical tools for such an agenda.

M.-F. GARCIA. The Social Construction of a Perfect Market: The Strawberry Auction at Fontaines-en-Sologne

The article examines social conditions and mechanisms of the emergence in 1982 of a «Dutch» strawberry auction in Fontaines-en-Sologne, France. Empirical study of this case shows that perfect market does not arise per se due to an «invisible hand». It is a social construction, which could only be put into effect by a hard struggle between stakeholders and large investments of different forms of capital. Ordinary practices of the market don’t differ from the predictions of economic theory, which is explained by the fact that economic theory served as a frame of reference for the designers of the auction. Technological and spatial organization as well as principal rules of trade was elaborated in line with economic views of perfect market resulting in the correspondence between theory and reality.

P. OREKHOVSKY. Unequal Exchange and Properties of Space in Economic Theory

The author analyzes the notion of unequal exchange in modern economic theory and in the Russian economy. Drawing on the theory of uneven economic development (Yu. Yaremenko), he demonstrates how the Russian economy is segmented and becomes a set of scarcely interconnected local markets. The article analyzes forms of the problems caused by such a segmentation and proposes ways to cope with them.

T. NATKHOV. Education, Social Capital, and Economic Development (Review of Basic Studies)

Studies show that education has a positive impact on economic growth not only directly (through the development of new knowledge and improved technology), but also indirectly, by creating a favorable social environment. The educational level of the individual is significant for almost all types of social interactions. There are two hypotheses that explain this dependence. First, education reduces the level of violence in society: weapons in resolving conflicts are replaced with courts and legislative bodies, which contributes to better protection of property rights and hence economic growth. Second, education has significant positive externalities: joint training is an important part of socialization and formation of shared mental models. While not mutually exclusive, these hypotheses point to the crucial role of education in the accumulation of social capital.

D. PETROSYAN, N. FATKINA. Economic Egoism and Humanization of Economy

The role of spiritually-moral factors of development of economy is shown in the article and the essence of economic egoism is considered. Humanistic criteria of economic relations are offered, the concept of rational level of economic egoism is entered, and the ways of its achievement in the Russian economy are outlined by perfecting institutional and information policy of the state, developing the education system and upbringing.

T. SKLYAR. The Role of Diagnosis-related Groups in Health Care Organizations Financing

The article describes theoretical approaches to the choice of a hospital financing method. The paper discusses three ways of incorporating diagnosis-related groups in health care, i. e. in a prospective payment system which is widely spread abroad; within a pilot project on the single-channel financing of health care organizations in Russia; introducing diagnosis-related groups in St. Petersburg as a basis of health care organization costs recovery.


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