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  • Mishustin M. V. Informational and Technological Grounds of Property Taxes Administration


  • Inflation and Price Setting in the Agroindustrial Complex of RF: The Influence of the State, Business, Cooperation (The Round Table at the Institute of Economics of RAS)


A. RADYGIN, R. ENTOV. In Search of Institutional Characteristics of Economic Growth (New Approaches on the Border-line of XX–XXI Centuries)

The article considers new approaches and studies of economic, political and legal interrelations which are directly linked with institutional characteristics of economic growth and have gained recognition in modern economic theory. The authors also analyze the most important from their point of view issues and contradictions that appear in the course of discussion of long-term prospects of the innovative institutional environment formation in present-day Russia.

L. POLISHCHUK. Misuse of Institutions: Its Causes and Consequences

Institutions are often misused, i. e. applied or resorted to for reasons which have little in common with their intended or anticipated purpose. The aim of the present paper is to get a further insight into the origins and causes of institutional misuse. A typology and cost-benefit analysis of misuse of institutions are presented and illustrated by examples largely drawn from Russian realities. Causes of vulnerability of institution to misuse are discussed. It is argued that institutions are not protected from misuse at the grassroots due to unresolved collective action problems, whereas economic and political elites are either indifferent to misuse of institutions or perpetrate such misuse by subverting market institutions for the purpose of rent extraction.

G. HODGSON. Institutions and Individuals: Interaction and Evolution

The author claims that the conceptualization of the relation between individual and structure is central to social science. This paper overviews some recent developments in the social theory of structure and agency, and makes a novel addition, based on a concept of habit derived from pragmatist philosophy and sociology and from Veblenian institutional economics. The author shows how processes of habituation provide a mechanism of ‘reconstitutive downward causation’ where institutional circumstances may affect individual preferences. Finally, special characteristics of organizations are discussed, endorsing an evolutionary analytical approach that combines insights from both evolutionary economics and organization science.

M. DERYABINA. Public-Private Partnership: Theory and Practice

The article considers public-private partnerships (PPP) as a variant of interaction between the state and private entrepreneurship. Special emphasis is placed on the problem of property rights redistribution that is aroused inevitably within a framework of the PPP projects. Some particular PPP forms are considered as the alternatives to full-scale privatization. Another aspect of the analysis concerns the redistribution of sovereign power functions of the state in some PPP models. The author assumes the principal difference between the public and civil functions of the state in the course of the economic turnover. The article deals with various models and concrete mechanisms of the PPP as well as with instruments for promotion of the partnerships projects.

M. KLINOVA. Globalization and Infrastructure: New Trends in the State and Business Cooperation

The study focuses on the contemporary features in the development of infrastructure networks. This field becomes attractive for public-private partnership (PPP), including those with foreign capital participation. A new form of the state and TNC cooperation is evolving as an indispensable factor of improving national economies efficiency in the global context. The economic role of the state is obviously growing even when its share in companies’ capital is reduced.

O. OBRAZTSOVA, A. CHEPURENKO. The Development of Russian Private Entrepreneurship in Cross-country Comparison

The article summarizes the first results of the participation of the Russian research team in the international comparative project "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor" (GEM) in 2006–2007. The most important parameters and stages of early entrepreneurial activity and established business in Russia and the group of other participating GEM-countries are described. Some findings concerning the relationship between the population’s entrepreneurial activity and the level of national economic development are formulated.

I. SMOTRITSKAYA, S. CHERNYKH. The Institution of Contractual Relations at the Government Market for Goods and Services

The article analyzes the process of forming contractual relations at the government market for goods and services in Russia. The authors explore problems and identify up-to-date tasks of evolving market institution of governmental contractual works, defining reformation of the existing institutional system of public purchases as the top priority. They draw a conclusion that Russia needs an entire contracting system in the sphere of government purchases.

V. SENCHAGOV. Russia’s Development Strategy: Guidelines and Restrictions

The core of Russia’s long-term socio-economic development strategy is represented by its conceptual basis. Having considered debating points about the essence and priority of the strategy, the author analyzes the logic and stages of its development as well as possibilities, restrictions and risks of high GDP rates of growth.

L. GREBNEV. "Conception of Development-2020": Medium-term Tactics for Long-term Strategy?

The article analyzes "Conception of Long-term Socio-economic Development of Russian Federation" designed by RSPP (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs). The time period up to 2020 is considered to be medium-term. The author argues that if one takes into account the perspectives of Russian ¬socio-economic development, then the main points of departure for the "Conception…" are to be determined in the light of long-term (50 years or more) vision of cultural, demographic and ecological challenges. The author proposes measures to overcome mutual distrust in the hierarchy of power which is traditional for Russian management culture by suggesting that the potential of judicial and economic principles of the new "mother’s capital" institution be developed.

I. BASHMAKOV. Russia-2050

This article deals with the contradiction between current Russian cultural tradition — orientation at survival of isolated individuals looking for solutions to present-day problems and lacking a clear vision of what the future will bring — and the necessity to switch Russia to the innovative development path based on transformation of the presently inflexible institutional system.


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