№ 8
S. Alexashenko, A. Klepach, O. Osipova, S. Pukhov - Exchange Rate and Economic Growth
- G. Hodgson - Socio-Economic Consequences of the Advance of Complexity and Knowledge
- A. Vavilov, E. Kovalishin - The Principles of State Debt Policy
- V. Senchagov - Economic Security as a Basis of Russia's National Security
- A. Emel'yanov - Regulated Market Land Turnover and Private Property on Land
- V. Belen'kyi - Forming "Rules of the Game" in the Land Market
- Z. Lerman - Ten Years of Land Reforms: What Lessons Can Russia Draw from the World Experience
- J. Swinnen, K. Macours - Agrarian Transformations in Transition Economies
- N. Rogalina - Agrarian Reforms in Russia in 1910-1920-s (80 Years since the Introduction of the New Economic Policy)
- A. Shvetsov - System Transformations of Local Budgets

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