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  • L. Grebnev — «The Philosophy of Economic Science» by V. A. Kanke and the Problem of Uncertainty


  • B. Lavrovsky — They Do not Know What They Are Doing
  • E. Bydanova — The Analysis of Competences of Russian Higher Education Institutions Graduates


V. POLTEROVICH, V. POPOV, A. TONIS. Mechanisms of Resource Curse and Economic Policy

This paper compares various mechanisms of resource curse leading to a potentially inefficient use of resources; it is demonstrated that each of these mechanisms is associated with market imperfections and can be «corrected» with appropriate government policies. Empirical evidence seems to suggest that resource abundant countries have on average lower budget deficits and inflation, and higher foreign exchange reserves. Besides, lower domestic fuel prices that are typical for resource rich countries have a positive effect on long-term growth even though they are associated with losses resulting from higher energy consumption. On top of that resource abundance allows to reduce income inequalities. So, on the one hand, resource wealth turns out to be conducive to growth, especially in countries with strong institutions. However, on the other hand, resource abundance leads to corruption of institutions and to overvalued real exchange rates. On balance, there is no solid evidence that resource abundant countries grow more slowly than the others, but there is evidence that they grow more slowly than could have grown with the right policies and institutions.

A. ABRAMOV, A. RADYGIN. Russian Financial Market under State Capitalism

This article is dedicated to the analysis of the current state and prospects of the financial market development in Russia in the context of formation of the state capitalism model. The authors consider both quantitative positive tendencies and long-term disproportions and risks which are connected with the strengthening of the state’s role in the economy. Special attention is paid to the issues of the quality of the institutional environment and evaluations of the speculative character of the market growth model.

M. KAZ. Lacunas in the Structure of Economic Knowledge and Non-classical Rationality

The article proposes the expansion of categories used in economic theory. The concept of «lacuna» is introduced with this purpose. On the example of studies in the labour sphere the character and features of the lacuna formed now in the given area of economic knowledge are analyzed. The influence of the lacuna on transformation of categorial apparatus, interrelation of the formed lacuna with non-classical rationality and the cognitive value approach as well as the role of markers in the detection of the lacuna are also discussed.

I. PAVLOV. Behavioral Economics — a Positive Approach to the Analysis of Economic Action

The author considers a new school of economic theory which is called behavioral economics — a synthesis of psychological and experimental approaches to economic analysis with a formal modeling of economic behavior. The article discusses methodological premises of this theory and some of its positive results which have recently been achieved. The specific traits of behavioral economics with respect to the rational choice theory are traced.

YA. KOUZMINOV, M. YUDKEVICH. Academic Freedom and the Standards of Behavior

The article analyzes the activity of university lecturer and researcher and the need for special mechanisms providing its efficiency. The authors consider academic freedom as a parameter of the university’s environment and discuss the convention regulating the relationship between lecturers and university management. The factors of the destruction of this convention are analyzed. The dynamic model of the lecturers’ behavior is proposed and two scenarios for the future development («teaching ratchet» and «academic ratchet») as well as the factors of choice between them are discussed. The empirical data on the development and current state of the Russian educational system is also taken into account.

A. PANOVA. On Governance and Decision-Making at Russian Higher Education Institutions

The paper considers some results of the research of the governance structure at Russian higher education institutions. The study covers admission policy as well as educational, scientific, investment and other policies. The level of participation of inter-university agents in different activities is also discussed. The analysis of opinion polls shows that governance at Russian universities is mainly hierarchic, most decisions are taken by the university’s administration while the opinion of the faculty is of very low significance. This model is notably different from that of European university where governance is more collective.

G. ANDRUSHCHAK. Student Evaluation of Faculty: Management Innovations at Russian Universities

The author describes basic functions of the student evaluation of faculty systems, discusses the main controversies and results of empirical research and considers the problem of possible biases in the quality evaluation in such systems. The article examines different institutional factors which limit the use of these systems. Special attention is paid to the Russian educational market.

S. KIMEL’MAN, S. ANDYUSHIN. Resource Constituent of Russian Regional Economy

The article basing upon estimation of the social and economic potential of Russian Federation subjects shows that the resource model of economic development is suitable for nearly half of them. The advantages of this model are described using the example of the Far Eastern Federal District subjects that could be the proof of the necessity of «resource correction» of regional economic policy in Russia.

V. BELEN’KY, N. KULAKOVA, N. SAMOILOVA. On Optimization of the Russian Economic Space

The article is devoted to the problem of optimization of economic space in Russia on the basis of coordinating transformation actions at the local level. Positive experience of solving the given problem is generalized, drawbacks in realization of corresponding transformations are presented as well. Conceptual positions and specific proposals aimed at the increase of their efficiency are formulated.


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