- Yu. Babicheva, S. Chernykh - "Real Sector", Banks and Inflation
- I. Boiko - Technological Innovations and Innovational Policy
- L. Linnik - Regulating Foreign Investments in Russia
- G. Kleiner - Paradox about the Actor (On the Book "Russian Industry: Institutional Development")
- Korobeinikov M.A. Agrarian Reform: Peasantry and Power
- Social Policy in Post-socialist Society: Tasks, Contradictions, Mechanisms. Collective works. Ed. by K.I. Mikul'sky
V. Mau. Economic and Political Results of 2002 and the Problems of Economic Policy at the Election Year
The article deals with the trends and priorities of social and economic policy of Russia in 2002-2003. It presents the detailed analysis of the current debate on economic growth in the country. The author stresses two important facets of contemporary growth. First, the importance of profound structural changes and development of post-industrial economic system. Second, the specifics of post-revolutionary development which means high level of transaction costs and diminishing rate of "reconstruction growth". The problems of WTO accession and Common European Economic Area are discussed also from the prospects of consolidation of economic growth. The influence of the forthcoming elections on the economic policy is also under discussion. The paper provides a list of economic policy priorities for 2003 and for the medium-term (3-4 years).

V. Maevsky, B. Kuzyk. Conditions for the Hi-tech Complex Development
A project for the long-term strategy of Russian break-through into post-industrial society is suggested which is directed at transformation of the hi-tech complex into the leading factor of economic development. The thesis is substantiated that there is an opportunity to realize such a strategy in case Russia shifts towards the mechanism of the monetary base growth generally accepted in developed countries: the Central Bank increases the quantity of "strong" money by means of purchasing state securities and allocates the increment of money in question according to budget priorities. At the same time for the realization of the said strategy it is necessary to partially restore savings lost during the hyperinflation period of 1992-1994 and default of 1998 and to secure development of the bank system as well as an increase of the volume of long-term credits on this base.

I. Samson, I. Eliseyeva. The New Image of Kaliningrad Region
The article deals with the problems of Kaliningrad Oblast which are very important taking into account the expansion of the EU. Many specialists continue to develop the myth of Kaliningrad as a poor region. However the scrupulous analysis shows that Kalinigrad is a well developed region comparing not only with Russian regions, but also with the Baltic countries and Poland. Moreover this region has developed since 1990 specific resources and assets and after 1999 has been enjoying high economic performance.

V. Lamand, E. Vinokurov. Forming Trade Specialization of Kaliningrad Region
he objective of the paper is to give a more accurate economic image of Kaliningrad Oblast in terms of its trade both with foreign countries and with mainland Russia. Starting with detailed calculations and analysis, the authors come to the conclusions of a high degree of trade openness, utmost importance and positive dynamics of trade with Russian regions, specific intermediary role of Kaliningrad in Russian-European trade, and ongoing active formation of the regional trade specialization.

N. Petrakov, G. Shagalov. Monetary Factor in Economic Integration of the CIS Countries
On the basis of experienсe of international regional economic unions the authors prove the necessity of monetary cooperation among the CIS countries as a precondition of development of economic integration in the CIS. Basic principles of the concept of monetary and financial cooperation of the CIS countries developed at the Institute of Market Problems of RAS are discussed. The authors propose a new system of multilateral payments and settlements among the CIS countries in order to enhance their mutual economic cooperation.

R. Simonyan, T. Kochegarova. New Varangians (Russian Diaspora in the Baltic States)
The article contains a comparative analysis of the economic potential of the Russian minority national groups abroad. The advantages of the Russian diaspora in the Baltic states compared with Russian diasporas in the West and the CIS countries are discussed. A conclusion is made on the base of sociological data that a new subethnos, Baltic "Eurorussians", can play a significant role in Russia's economic development.

G. Ibadoglu (Bayramov). Transformation of Forms of Property in Azerbaijan: The Results of the First Privatization
The results of realization of the first privatization program are analyzed from two points of view: quantitative and qualitative. The efficiency of privatization is considered in different spheres. It is indicated that at the first stage of privatization its political and systemic goals were partially achieved, but economic and social ones seemed not to have been implemented. A number of conclusions aimed at further perfection of the process of privatization are formulated.

Yu. Ivanov. On Indicators of Economic Welfare
The article deals with the issues of improvement of statistics of population welfare. This category has many aspects and for this reason a system of indicators is normally used for analysis. However, the lack of a single synthetic indicator of the level of living limits the analysis of social processes. In this connection the proposal to compute a new index of economic welfare put forward by two Canadian researches - L. Osberg and A. Sharpe - is discussed in the article.

L. Nesterov, G. Ashirova. National Wealth and Human Capital
The article is critically considering a contemporary broadened concept of national wealth and increasing role of human capital in it. The authors are shareing this concept and have experimentally estimated national wealth for Russia and other CIS countries as well as for some important groups of countries and the world at the beginning of the 21st century.

R. Nureev. Public Choice Theory. A Textbook. Chapter 7. Public Choice under Representative Democracy: Government and Coalitions in Parliament
The specifics of pubic choice under representative democracy are considered in the seventh chapter of the textbook. The factors of forming of coalitions in parliament are analyzed. The methods of voting manipulation including the formulation of Arrow's impossibility theorem are described. The concept of logrolling is distinguished. The chapter also includes further readings, control tests and questions.
