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№ 12




  • B. Frumkin — A New Book by the "New Political Economist" (on the Book by L. Csaba "The New Political Economy of Emerging Europe")

  • Afanassiev Mst. Essays on the History of Economic Thought


M. ERSHOV, V. ZUBOV. Opportunities and Risks of Financial Integration

     The article focuses on a number of problems, which become increasingly important as global integration takes root. What are the ways to strengthen the position of Russia and its business? Which spheres provide the most effective mutual penetration of internal and external factors, thus becoming "mediators" of global tendencies? What mechanisms should be used for the Russian economy to play an important systemic role in the world? Problems of banks’ competition and efficiency are addressed in detail.

A. STEINHERR. Current Tendencies of the Russian Banking Sector Development

     The reasons of the financial crisis of 1998 in Russia are considered in the article. It is stressed that the monetary authorities missed the chance to establish the banking sector framework in the country closer to tested Western standards. The current state of the Russian banking system is analyzed, its unresolved problems are formulated: lack of an enabling environment, difficulties with choosing the banking model, absence of a level playing field, low trust, deficiencies of regulatory framework and corporate governance. Privatization of state banks and introduction of a two-tier banking system are proposed.

A. ABRAMOV. The Problems of the Russian Securities Market Competitive Strength

     Competitive strength of the Russian securities market (RSM) depends on its participation in solution of important economic problems. RMS plays a positive role in the privatization process in Russia and in forming effective corporate governance models. The importance of RMS in attracting investments is increasing. However RMS savings function is its essential weakness. The growth of the RSM competitive strength requires complex measures in the field of legislative activity and economic policy.

A. ROZHKOV. Construction of the Forecasting Index for Stock Market

     There are various methods of forecasting different parameters of stock market. One group of these methods deals with forecasting trends of integral parameters such as stock market indexes. This article considers some well-known index methods of forecasting stock market trends. At the same time the article contains a computation for construction of the forecasting index, which helps to identify prolonged trends of RTS index. The principles and recommendations proposed in the article can be used for practical purposes.

YA. KOUZMINOV, K. BENDOUKIDZE, M. YUDKEVICH. From Market Studies to Society Analysis

     The article examines the main concepts of modern institutional theory and the ways its tools and concepts could be applied in the real policy-making. In particular, the authors focus on behavioral assumptions of the theory that allow them to explain the imperfection of economic agents’ behavior as a reason for rules and institutions to emerge. Problems of institutional design are also discussed.

M. KAZ. Labor Motivation: Transformation of the Theoretical and Methodological Knowledge Structure and Cognitive and Value Approach

     The purpose of the article is to justify the formation of a new approach to labor motivation, exceeding the limits of the rational schemes and models of economic behavior. It is based on the research of conformity of economic knowledge dynamics. It is determined as cognitive value approach. The author demonstrates the possibilities of the method of constructs and factor analysis in studying different points of view in economics.

E. POPOV. Minieconomic Institutions

     In the article institutions at a minimal level of economic activity are classified. Building upon empirical results the author examines factors of evolution of related institutions and reveals connection between parameters of institutional regime, firms’ life cycle and the field of their economic activity.

A. SHASTITKO, S. AVDASHEVA. Competition Advocacy as a Component of Competition Policy

     The article is devoted to competition advocacy as an important component of the activity of antimonopoly body. The specific features of objects, methods and results of competition advocacy as compared with the enforcement of antitrust legislation are demonstrated. The authors analyze the main directions of competition advocacy by the antimonopoly body. It is stressed that such an advantage of competition advocacy as an opportunity of its broad use not connected strongly with the antitrust legislation in force is extremely important for the Russian economy. Recently the Federal Antimonopoly Agency has included competition advocacy in the framework of departmental target programs that makes necessary the analysis of indicators of the targets attainment level.

I. GRECHISHKINA. Antimonopoly Regulation as an Instrument of Gas Market Development

     The article focuses on the analysis of antimonopoly policy in gas markets as an important element of competition development in this industry. The author considers several problems for competition development in gas markets, such as discrimination in third parties’ access to essential facilities, underdeveloped trade including due to legislative restrictions, concerted actions by market participants and state authorities, which lead to competition restriction in gas supply. Antitrust remedies are analysed.

V. KIZILOV, V. NOVIKOV. Options as an Instrument of Fuel-Energy Complex Regulation

     In order to solve political and economical problems of FEC deregulation and increase its efficiency the authors suggest the mechanism using options. It is based on the substitution of state regulation by the system of private legal obligations of the proprietors of existing assets to their consumers. It is proposed that the proprietors of newly created assets will be free from these obligations as well as from natural monopolies regulation.

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