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"И" "ИЛИ"

№ 11



  • L. Abalkin - Historic Memory as an Element of Cognition
  • N. Baibakov - From the Memoirs about N.A. Voznesensky
  • L. Volodarsky - I Remember Voznesensky

  • Sketches of the History of the Russian Economic Thought. Ed. by academician L.I. Abalkin
  • Simonyan R.Kh. Russia and the Baltic States


  • S. Kirdina - The Russian Face of Evolutionary Economics (on the 5th Interna tional Symposium on Evolutionary Economics "Economic Transformation and Evolutionary Theory of J. Schumpeter")


V. Mayevsky. On Interrelations between the Evolutionary Theory and the Orthodoxy (a conceptual analysis)

     The economy is evolving and at the same time evaluates (measures) itself in the course of this evolution. This feature makes it possible to solve in perspective the problem of synthesis between the evolutionary theory and the orthodoxy. Problems confronting such a synthesis of the two theories are considered in the paper. In particular, it has been shown that there exists a non-equilibrium profit in the framework of equilibrium prices which reflects the degree of non-equilibrium between production needs and possibilities. Also, it has been shown that an evolutionary representation of the economy may be provided by means of so called macrogenerations. The formation of prices (being a function of the orthodoxy) depends on the behavior of macrogenerations.

P. Wynarczyk. The Salvage of Ideas: Schumpeter and the Core Problems Still Confronting Economics

     Two aspects of Schumpeter' legacy are analyzed in the article. On the one hand, he can be viewed as the custodian of the neoclassical harvest supplementing to its stock of inherited knowledge. On the other hand, the innovative character of his works is emphasized that allows to consider him a proponent of hetherodoxy. It is stressed that Schumpeter's revolutionary challenge can lead to radical changes in modern economics.

A. Lyasko. Inter-firm Trust and Schumpeterian Innovations

     This paper focuses on discussing the role of trust in strategic alliances aimed at creating new knowledge and developing novel products in the rapidly changing technological setting. Trust is regarded as a salient factor in forming collaborative relationships among direct or indirect competitors for high technology markets. Trusting attitudes also foster organizational learning and unhampered knowledge exchange within an alliance structure. Finally, trust plays a considerable role in distributing and enforcing property rights for the objects of innovation when their valuable features cannot be meaningfully predicted or fully defined due to the rapidly changing environment as well as incomplete firms' knowledge caused by radical shifts of technology.

O. Sukharev. Evolutionary Macroeconomics in Schumpeterian Perusal (to a New System of Interaction of "Innovator" and "Conservator")

     The author analyses the problems of macroeconomic evolution from the Schumpeterian standpoint. The essence of the article is the search for economic policy microbasis, therewith the author suggests a new evolutionary model of interactions between "innovators" and "conservators." He takes a theoretical effort to correct significantly the concept of "creative destruction" widely used by the economists-evolutionists.

V. Medvedev. On the Notion of Value in the Modern Economy

     The transformation of value in the modern economy based on interchangeability of resources and the increasing role of knowledge is considered in the article. The author provides critical analysis of denying commodity-money relations in the Soviet economy, the concept of overcoming commodity economy and destruction of value in the post-industrial economy. He argues for synthesis of the theory of labor value and the utility theory.

P. Kryuchkova. Removing of the Administrative Barriers in the Economy (the Conditions and Possibilities of Global Institutional Transformation)

     The existing trend to increase the administrative barriers in Russia is analyzed in the article. The factors of stable reproduction of the administrative barriers and the possibilities of their destruction are examined. The general institutional approach to overcoming administrative barriers is formulated. The recommendations for the debureaucratization policy are elaborated on the basis of the analysis of formal procedures and regulation forms and instruments in Australia.

A. Degtyarev, R. Malikov. Corrupt Basis of Administrative Barriers

     The authors estimate total costs caused by pure existence of administrative barriers and those connected with them. The process of administrative barriers imposing is viewed through the prism of the institutional design approach. The authors suggest the model showing the benefits and costs for subjects of "barrier business", lobbing normative acts legislation aimed at imposing new administrative barriers. They propose to launch regular anticorrupt monitoring with the purpose of minimizing public costs caused by excess business regulation.

A. Obydenov. Institutional Specifics of Business Self-regulation

     Self-regulation appears to be a special institution where economic actors establish their own rules of economic activity for themselves in a specific business field. At the same time they are the object of control within these rules and the subject of legal management of the controller. Self-regulation contains necessary prerequisites for fundamental resolution of the problem of "controlling the controller". The necessary and sufficient set of five self-regulation organization functions provides efficiency of self-regulation as the institutional arrangement. The voluntary membership in a self-regulation organization is essential for ensuring self-enforcement of institutional arrangement of self-regulation.

A. Vilensky. On the Transfer of the State Control and Regulatory Functions to Small Business Associations

     The author states that associations of small businesses are necessary for formation of positive corporate business ethics, control over authorities, development of partnership of business and authorities aimed at improving economic performance. Stage-by-stage monitoring of associations of small enterprises is carried out in Moscow. Its first results show that opportunities of transferring some of the state control and regulating functions to business associations unfortunately are rather weak due to immaturity of small business itself.

N. Aparina, M. Kurbatova. Interaction of Regional Administration and Business in the Process of Regional Resources Utilization

     The authors state that in the 1990s in the context of absence of adequate sources of financing regional authorities activities, a peculiar mechanism of solving social and economic problems on the regional and municipal levels was formed. The substitution of the budget financial resources by the resources of administrative decisions has occurred. The mechanism of exchanging administrative decisions in favor of a certain businessman for his undertaking an obligation to solve a problem of regional or local development has been established. Under these conditions the state authorities have transformed from the guarantor of the economic agent rights into one of the agents trading in rights.

A. Emelyanov. Interaction of Economic Patterns in Agrarian Sector

     The social and economic structure of the Russian agrarian sector which developed during its reforming in the 1990s is analyzed in the article. Economic basis of interaction of economic patterns in this sector is considered. Factors of improving the use of potential of different economic patterns for providing national food independence and revival of the Russian village are analyzed.




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