- A. Emelyanov - Russian Agrarian Reforms: from Stolypin to the Present (On the Book by G. Shmelev "Agrarian Policy and Agrarian Relations in Russia in the XX century")
- V. Berseniev - A Tale with Unhappy End
- Razovsky Yu.V. Mining Rent (Economics and Legislation)
- Leksin V.N., Shvetsov A.N. Municipal Russia: Socioeconomic Situation, Law, Statistics
V. MAYEVSKY. Evolutionary Economics and Technological Change
Three questions are considered in this paper. First, evolutionary economics reflects peculiarities of technically advancing economy more precisely than orthodoxy which dominates in modern economic science does. Second, evolutionary economics is able to influence the established patterns of economic policy including the view at investments as financed only by savings. From the standpoint of evolutionary economics the latter proposition should be complemented by the thesis about possibility of credit emission against future incomes, that is emision not provided by accumulated savings. Third, there are many appropriate applied works of evolutionary kind carried out by experts in corporations, firms, financial units beyond evolutionary economics proper. Now it is relevant to integrate evolutionary economics with applied evolutionary analysis so as to develop a new unified scientific school both of theoretical and practical trend.

V. MAU, K. YANOVSKY. Political and Legal Factors of Economic Growth
in the Russian Regions
Authors propose some new approaches in order to evaluate formally regional specifics of political and legal culture and institutes impact on the dynamics of economic development of the regions. They demonstrate using a model that the influence of institutional factors, including some indicators for the basic individual rights maintenance in the regions, on economic growth is significant.

D. SOROKIN. Challenges of the New Age and Russia's Strategic Response
(As a Basis for Discussion)
The article puts forward a hypothesis that the challenges faced by the mankind and Russia in the 21st century are of political and economic nature. It considers methodological aspects, which define the strategy of Russia's response. The directions and contents of this research are substantiated too.

YU. SIZOV. Strategic Approach to Stock Market Regulation
The article addresses the problem of the stock market state regulation existing currently in Russia. As is evident from the article, the state role here cannot be limited to exercising control over market participants compliance with the legislation. The practical experience indicates that the investment capital market is unlikely to emerge in an evolutionary way under currently established conditions. The state should make every effort to develop stock market so that it becomes a powerful mechanism for capital attraction and redistribution in the real economy. The author presents a logistics model that optimizes expected costs of meeting desired objectives pursued by investors and issuers; formalizes the tools for a new logistics section that he calls "stock logistics", by means of which he substantiates basic strategic principles of state regulation of the stock market in Russia.

A. SARKISYANTS. Financial Terrorism and Stability of the World Economy
The article is devoted to the global economic and financial consequences of the recent terrorist attacks in the USA. It includes the forecast of economic development of different regions of the world. Special attention is paid to the problem of money laundering.

Under the given heading we publish the articles by the head of administration of the region V. Egorov; vice-governor V. Pirogov, the chairman of the committee of economic development and trade of the administration of Kaliningrad oblast V. Zhdanov and professor of Kaliningrad state university G. Fedorov; the chief of the department of WCER under the Government of RF O. Kuznetsova; the head of the center of the analysis of poles of growth and FEZ of the Institute of Economics of RAS N. Smorodinskaya. The authors consider the specifics of the economic and geographical situation of the region connected with its isolation from the basic territory of the Russian Federation. Kaliningrad oblast is a Russian anclave in the center of Europe, such situation causes a great deal of problems and contradictions, first of all because of essential distinctions in the levels of economic development of the given Russian region and the neighboring countries. The problems will be aggravated after Poland and the Baltic states join the European Union in the nearest future. The economic opportunities of the region are estimated and measures are offered which may help the region to fully realize its potential. Large hopes are pinned on the realization of the federal target program of the development of the territory. However, the authors believe that the main emphasis should be made on cooperation with EU. This strategy of the development of the region can be fulfilled through assigning it the status of the pilot region of cooperation with EU - the region, where the measures specified in the mid-term economic program of the Russian Government will be introduced with outstripping pace and new mechanisms of cooperation with EU on many directions will be worked out.

V. LEKSIN, A. SHVETSOV. Social Unloading of Depressive Areas: Northern Option
A general approach to improving situation in depressive areas of Russia's North through social unloading thereof involving promotion of unoccupied people migration, cutting the excessive stock of social assets and reorganization of settlement network is justified. The practical reasonability of the suggestions is proved with a case study of crisis evolution in Chukotka autonomous district.
