- A. Shastitko - Coase Theorem: Problems and Misunderstandings
- B. Malyshev - Criticism of Criticism of Coase Theorem
- L. Nesterov, G. Ashirova - Reproduction and National Wealth (Some Methodological Issues)
- V. Ragozin - State Guaranties - An Integral Part of State Debt
- I. Shutov - Face to the Forest Industry, Back - to the Forestry: A Destructive Position of State Power
- G. Lakhtin - The Evolution of R&D Financial Support Methods
- The Encyclopedia of Statistical Publications, X-XX Centuries. Simchera V.M., Sokolin V.L., Mashikhin E.A., Shevyakov A.Yu.
- International Economic Relations. A Textbook. Ed. by I.P. Faminsky
- Pevzner Ya.A. Introduction to the Economic Theory of Social Democratism
V. Goreglyad. The Old Concept of a New Budget (on the Projects of Federal Budget-2003)
The article deals with the analysis of priorities of the policy of budgetary proficit oriented at the necessity of the state foreign indebtedness service. Basing on the analysis of tax reform which is now taking place in Russia the author explores negative tendencies in the dynamics of the revenue potential of the budgetary system that have been formed as a result of innovations in tax policy. He formulates as well the necessity of radical changes in the tax-and-budgetary policy as a whole which has to be oriented not only at the interests of the federal government but at the interests of all participants of the budgetary process.

T. Zolotukhina. The Exchange Rate Policy of the Bank of Russia in 1992-2002
The evolution of the exchange rate policy of the Central Bank in reforming Russia is considered. The purposes and results of the currency band are observed. The article contains quantitative descriptions of the development of the Russian exchange market. Causes and consequences of the foreign exchange crisis in August 1998 are discussed. The conclusion presents the features of the exchange rate policy of the Bank of Russia.

A. Porokhovsky. The Russian Market Model: The Way of Realization
The author analyzes four key problems of the market transformation process in Russia - theoretical fundamentals of the market model as a whole, specific features of Russian reforms, results and hope for the future, and necessity of development of a national model of democratic institutes as well. So far noneconomic factors have been playing a dominant role in Russian development, but democratic principles are just emerging.

G. Kleiner. System Paradigm and the Theory of the Enterprise
The approach to the theory of the firm (enterprise) based on system paradigm proposed recently by J. Kornai is developed in the paper. The concept of a new system-integrated theory of the enterprise that is taking into account a variety of functions and complexity of internal structure of the enterprise in modern economy is offered. The system of coordinates for classification and analysis of variants of the theory of the firm is formed. On the basis of the developed concept possible ways of increase in efficiency of Russian enterprises are considered.

O. Sukharev. The Concept of Economic Disfunction and Evolution of the Firm
Institutional concept of economic disfunction is developed in the article. With the help of the concept of disfunctioning institute and the quantitative estimation of the institutional changes potential, the description of economic development tendencies of the firm according to the degree of aggregate disfunction is given. The trends of subsequent investigation of economic evolution of the firm problems are concluded in the article according to the institutional-evolutionary economic methodology.

S. Avdasheva, P. Rudensky. The Influence of Sham Insurance on the Development of the Russian Insurance Industry
The article is devoted to the specifics of life insurance in the Russian insurance industry. Sham insurance aimed at tax avoidance ("insurance-for-salaries") constitutes the majority of life insurance contracts. Authors provide an estimation of the amount of sham insurance and demonstrate the way it influences the development of the insurance market. Low cost of sham insurance results in the fast growth of Russian insurance companies which provide sham insurance in comparison with companies that are specialized in genuine insurance products. Thus the companies of the first type acquire comparative advantages. The very possibility to use that type of comparative advantage exists due to the fact that life insurance and non-life insurance are conducted jointly in Russian insurance companies.

R. Nureev. Public Choice Theory. A Textbook. Chapter 3. The Formation and Development of the Scope and Method of Public Choice Theory
The evolution of the scope and method of public choice theory is considered in the third chapter of the textbook. The differences in understanding the role and economic functions of the government by the old and new political economy are shown. Basic steps of the political science development and its contribution to the public choice theory are inquired. The tools and methods of political processes analysis are studied. The chapter includes further readings, control tests and questions.
